Commodity outplacement services ‘wasted investment’

The newly formed Global Talent Hub brings a fresh perspective to talent transformation, emphasising local expertise and a people-first approach  

2 April 2024 – Global Talent Hub Ltd. (GTH), the leading European provider of outplacement and talent transformation services, today announced its official launch in the global HR services market. Founded by von Rundstedt (Germany), Alixio Group, von Rundstedt (Switzerland) and Travvant, it aims to fill the ‘value gap’, offering a people-first strategic partnership to global brands looking for local expertise. 

“Global outplacement projects have so often been seen as a commodity, neglecting local needs and requirements,” said Pascal Scheiwiller, Chairman, GTH. “This results in suboptimal outcomes for the affected employees, and is a wasted investment for organisations.” 

Adding value with local experts 

Given the specificity of employment laws and regulations in each country, coupled with the potential risk of litigation resulting from not following correct legal procedures, local experts play a vital role in safely navigating talent transformation programs. Their expertise helps to mitigate these legal challenges, saving costs and preventing delays. 

Scheiwiller continued, “With 350 offices globally, we not only offer expert support in any country our customers operate in, but we do so with the safety and consistency of a global brand.” 

European DNA  

In recent years, a cultural shift has begun to take shape, embodied by certifications like B-Corp gaining traction around the world. Organisations are increasingly focussed on prioritising the well-being of both their employees and local communities. This ‘people-first’ strategy extends to how companies navigate transitions such as redundancies and support of outgoing employees. 

Scheiwiller concludes, “Our solutions are the perfect fit for organisations with a ‘people-first’ mentality because people are at the heart of everything we do. It drives us and our customers. Together, our dedication to local legal requirements and cultural standards, and our commitment to individual customisation, means we are the perfect partner to deliver success not only for the organisation, but for the employees, too. We call this our European DNA.”  

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