Outplacement Statistics 2023: a return to relative normalcy

After two years of economic growth following the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, our analysis of the labour market data for 2023 reveals a return to relative normalcy. Pascal Scheiwiller, CEO of von Rundstedt, notes, “Companies have increasingly carried out downsizing or reorganisation projects, internal overcapacities have been eliminated and more restructuring has taken place. This has also eased the cyclical shortage of skilled labour across all sectors, although the structural shortage of skilled labour in specific areas and professions remains critical.”

As the labour market normalises, old patterns are resurfacing. Scheiwiller observes, “The polarisation between older and younger workers, as well as between winners and losers in the labour market, is once again on the rise. Mobility between sectors and functions is nearly back to pre-coronavirus levels.”

Economic forecasts anticipate a continuation of this normalisation trend in 2024, albeit with a slightly more subdued outlook. Market-driven restructuring and general fluctuations are expected to increase. Our Barometer 2024 encompasses data from across Switzerland, drawing from insights provided by 2,182 employees affected by redundancies and 223 companies representing various sectors that underwent restructuring in Switzerland during 2023. As such, it offers a comprehensive overview of the Swiss labour market landscape in 2023.

Link to Key figures 2023

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